
This guide will help you in creating your first endpoint using llmstack quickly. Also, it slightly discusses the parts in what areas and use cases you can use this tool.

This tool will help you in creating LLM (Large Language Models) based APIs, so that you can integrate them in your AI products directly.

Let’s Start

You can check the video on twitter on how to create your endpoint or you can read on below.

Vaibhav 👷🏽‍♂️⚙️ on Twitter

Let’s get started.

Sign In

  1. Go to the homepage and click on “Sign In with GitHub” 🔽

    LLM Stack | Build LLM based APIs in minutes

  2. You will be redirected to GitHub authorization page — click on “Authorize kinescope-tech”.

    Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 12.15.08 PM.png

Project Creation

  1. Awesome!! You will then be redirected to your dashboard. This will be your home. You will have an empty dashboard so go ahead and click on “Create Project”.

    Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 12.18.08 PM (2).png

    <aside> ℹ️ “Projects” are the core concept of LLM Stack. It’s like a wrapper to encapsulate all your related resources under a single namespace.


  2. Create the project by filling the form and hit “Create”.

    Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 12.39.06 PM (2).png

  3. Once your project is created click on the project card and you will have redirected to your project metrics.

    Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 12.39.16 PM (2).png

    <aside> ℹ️ The “Project Metrics” homepage will help you in getting the overall analytics of your project resources.


Endpoint Creation

  1. In the side bar click on “Endpoints” to get the list of your created endpoints and individual metrics.

    Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 12.46.00 PM (2).png

    <aside> ℹ️ “Endpoints” are your APIs that you create with LLM Stack using prompts. This page will give you minimal metrics and track if an endpoint errored in it’s lifetime.
